Why do we lie about what we buy?

We remove tags, mark our purchases down and hide things in the cupboard. We lie about the price or make out we’ve had ‘That old thing’ for ages…

Our beautiful new dress, shoes, make-up or fragrance gets rushed in amongst the dry cleaning or stuffed into a drawer before anyone can scrutinize it.

What is it that motivates us to be dishonest about our latest purchase?

Do we feel so ashamed of ourselves that we want to pretend that the enormous shopping high we felt a few short hours ago never happened?

I don’t think so.

It is because of that high that we are motivated to be at our sneakiest.

We spend a day ( we wish ) finding our way around the shopping centre, having lunch or a cup of coffee and looking at all the shops have to offer. Boutiques with their perfectly assembled sales girls, the fresh, polished, manicured beauties at the cosmetic counter and the crisp clean new linen in haberdashery. So much to look at, smell, take in, and touch.

After a day experiencing a fantasy world away from family worries and financial stresses, why would we want to come home to a negative, accusing and judgemental reception!?

I don’t hide my new belongings because I am ashamed of them! I hide them to protect them!

I quite simply am not ready to feel bad about my shopping spree yet.

Later, perhaps at the sight of the bald tyres on my car or when the credit card statement comes in I may feel a pang of guilt but, my own self loathing, not bestowed upon me by another!

I simply want to prolong the high and not be made feel small for my pleasure.

Is that so wrong?

I love shopping!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beware the Bubble Skirt

Buyer Beware!

Fads and trends that go out of date quicker than milk, make you broke and become filler for the clothes cupboard.

That cute bubble skirt, harem pant or catsuit today, can be a source of shame and debt, no matter what the 'Label or "Brand'.

Just cos it's designer, doesn't mean it'll stay "IN" indefinitely.

If you got it on sale, chances are, you'd better wear it to bed because it was already on it's way out.

A bargain is only a bargain if you'll actually wear it!

Don't get me wrong, deals can be found, all I'm saying is that the faddy-label stuff is best left on the rack.If you must have that bubble skirt, get the 'Supre' knock off version, so when you're done, you can chuck it!

I have that many clothes it is embarrassing. I have hung onto clothes I have loved, frocks that don't fit, jeans that have dated and shoes that are squashed and have a funny tongue thingy going!

Stuff that has cost me way too much to get rid of!

Sad isn't it!

The tiny stuff I have managed to pass on or even ebay, but some things I just cannot part with.
If I have forked out a pay packet for it, I just can't let it go.
It may come 'IN' again, right?
If, down the track, these things do come back into fashion and I have had a superb 'pair of' or
'colour in' that item, and got rid of it, I stew.

As a result, I have a vault of what can only be described as 'Costume Clothing'.

All my friends know where to come if they have a fancy dress or bad taste party. I have it all..
Boas, Platforms ( still very cool), vests, jackets, tassels, leathers, low waists, high waists, pantsuits, jumpsuits, catsuits... you get the picture.

The thing is, you have to work out your purchase cost per wear ratio.
If you have paid a bomb for something and only wear it once then it cost you that entire amount to wear it. BUT, if you paid top shop for it and wore it everyday and then to bed , then it really was worth the grocery sacrifice.

The sizes....
Well that really is another matter...

EEK! The Credit Card Statement

Ok well, with all my planning and budgeting and my resolve to prove that it IS possible to have the things we desire AND make the monthly payments on time.. I did overlook one small detail...
My already up- to- my- arse debt!

So, in came the statement and I am happy to report that I am just on the lean side of my $5000 limit.

Now, I'm calculating that at 18% per annum, that's going to cost me around $900 a year in interest or $75 a month that I could be spending, so that has got to go.

I've opened a ME account and have organised $20 a week to go in that and now will also have to make a big dent in the Mastercard as well. Especially if I want to use it again.

I have to pay more than $900 a year or I won't pay it off so I need to double that and divide it by 12 to find what I need to pay a month, which is $150. SHIT! And that will still take me over 5 years!!!

How I am going to wrangle that out of the budget and past the warden is another thing!
I'll have to trim some out of grocery money and petrol!

I do still have my resolve though and by giving up the not-so-essentials, I am sure we can still get this right....

It's not as bad as some of my friends and for those of you with more debt than I have, don't be disheartened. Every little bit helps and you do have to start chipping away at it.

I start this Thursday....
