Why do we lie about what we buy?

We remove tags, mark our purchases down and hide things in the cupboard. We lie about the price or make out we’ve had ‘That old thing’ for ages…

Our beautiful new dress, shoes, make-up or fragrance gets rushed in amongst the dry cleaning or stuffed into a drawer before anyone can scrutinize it.

What is it that motivates us to be dishonest about our latest purchase?

Do we feel so ashamed of ourselves that we want to pretend that the enormous shopping high we felt a few short hours ago never happened?

I don’t think so.

It is because of that high that we are motivated to be at our sneakiest.

We spend a day ( we wish ) finding our way around the shopping centre, having lunch or a cup of coffee and looking at all the shops have to offer. Boutiques with their perfectly assembled sales girls, the fresh, polished, manicured beauties at the cosmetic counter and the crisp clean new linen in haberdashery. So much to look at, smell, take in, and touch.

After a day experiencing a fantasy world away from family worries and financial stresses, why would we want to come home to a negative, accusing and judgemental reception!?

I don’t hide my new belongings because I am ashamed of them! I hide them to protect them!

I quite simply am not ready to feel bad about my shopping spree yet.

Later, perhaps at the sight of the bald tyres on my car or when the credit card statement comes in I may feel a pang of guilt but, my own self loathing, not bestowed upon me by another!

I simply want to prolong the high and not be made feel small for my pleasure.

Is that so wrong?

I love shopping!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hellooo Loverrr!

Still with me?
Well if you are, you are either like me or you know someone who is…

Someone who gets a glimpse of something shiny and new or just irresistible out of the corner of your eye and you just have to take a further look.

Someone who has an eye for a bargain and will always think of someone who would benefit from the purchase.

Do you (almost) have a bag in every colour, pants in every style and shoes for every occasion?

Do you have things in your cupboards that you haven’t even worn or used but you know you will, one day…

Do you get off on the sheer high of the acquisition?

And yet, we are made feel guilty for our pleasure!

How many of us have dumped shopping bags or shoeboxes before we get home?

Most of us, that’s who!

Shopping’s fun, that’s why we do it.

And yet, it can get us into sooo much trouble…

The Credit card bills and late payments, less grocery money because you’ve spent it on make-up, juggling final notices and car payments and worrying about the rent or mortgage. Stress, Stress, Stress!

These things are NOT FUN!

Well, I’m here to tell you that shopping is NOT a bad thing.

O.k., I will admit that problems can and do arise but, with a bit of forward planning and strategy, we can all enjoy that urge inside us to purchase!